Forest fire dashboard

An interactive dashboard tracking both wildfire instance, and contributory factors, for California. This data was then used to train a Machine Learning model that identifies at risk areas based on weather patterns


Pylj is an open-source library to help with the visualisation of 2D atomic systems. I am converting the package to run using an object-orientated method, and implementing a better system of GitHub checks

ATLAS cloud analysis

An exploration in creating a cloud-based application that can perform big-data analysis on the results from the ATLAS experiment at CERN

Particle Detector for CERN’s Experimental Areas

Creating new trigger mechanisms for CERN's north experimental beamlines. The final model maintained sufficient level of accuracy required for subatomic particle detection and produced an intensity monitor capable of giving over 3 billion readings per second, detecting energies at a photonic level

N-body orbital system

A basic object-orientated N-body orbital system that simulates the movement of a system as objects interact with eachother, also calculating object features such as eccentricity and orbital period using multiple methods

Lebwohl-Lasher accelerated code

A collection of scripts acclerating a script simulating the Lebwohl-Lasher liquid crystal model. Methods used include vectorization, cython, numba and parallelisation (mpi4py, openMP etc.)

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